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O Nas


O'Hanrahan & Company Solicitors to wieloletnia kancelaria prawna zlokalizowana w północnym Dublinie. Założona ponad czterdzieści lat temu przez założyciela Noela O'Hanrahana kancelaria rozwinęła się w wielu dziedzinach prawa, świadcząc usługi na zamówienie w takich obszarach jak:

- Spory o obrażenia ciała

- Prawo własności

- Prawo rodzinne

- spadkowe

Kancelaria O'Hanrahan & Company Solicitors cieszy się reputacją doskonałości i silnego zaangażowania w świadczenie naszych usług prawnych po konkurencyjnych cenach. Naszym celem jest zapewnienie naszym klientom profesjonalnej i osobistej obsługi przy jednoczesnym dążeniu do osiągnięcia jak najlepszego wyniku dla każdego klienta.

Our Team

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Tim O'Hanrahan

Tim O’Hanrahan joined the firm in 2002. Tim was admitted to the Roll of Solicitors in 2008. In addition to qualifying as a solicitor, Tim also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Studies and has been awarded an MBS (Masters in Business Studies) from the Michael Smurfit School of Business, University College Dublin.

Tim has a wealth of experience in all areas of general practice. Specifically, Tim has extensive expertise in personal injuries litigation, family law and conveyancing. Tim also has a strong interest in the law of Intellectual Property and Trademarks.

Anastacia Georgieva

Anastacia graduated from University College Dublin with a degree in Business and Law. She joined O’Hanrahan & Company Solicitors in August 2019 as a Trainee Solicitor after gaining experience in other legal roles of a similar nature.


Anastacia is completing her Professional Practice Courses with the Law Society of Ireland, with a view to qualifying as a Solicitor in 2022. Anastacia has experience in all areas of general practice, with a keen interest in Personal Injury Litigation, Medical Negligence, Probate and Estate Planning and Family Law.

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Jane Caslin

Jane joined O’Hanrahan & Company Solicitors in 2013 as a Legal Secretary. Jane’s dedication, strong work ethic and friendly manner has made her an integral part of our team at O’Hanrahan Company Solicitors.

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